Darcy J Foundation: Supermom 5K
May 23, 2014
Justine and Aidan on the beach
Soon to be big sister
May 27, 2014
Darcy J Foundation: Supermom 5K
May 23, 2014
Justine and Aidan on the beach
Soon to be big sister
May 27, 2014

It may just be me…but I have to share. While going through this pregnancy and getting towards the end, I have gotten lots of questions as to when the baby will be born.

Of course I have a due date, but babies (in my experience) rarely come on their due date. When I say the baby will come when they come, I always get responses basically asking if I am inducing or getting a c-section.


I’m so confused about why this is the norm. I may be old fashioned but unless there is some kind of medical reason, I’m comfortable with my water just breaking and the baby coming naturally. Is it rough the last couple weeks of pregnancy? Absolutely! I often have conversations with myself about how much I am ready for the baby to be born. I have finally stopped going into the office and am strictly working from home…this means I am pulling my hair out! Trying to walk around because just laying around seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me. I am ready for the baby to be here, I’m ready to know what the baby is (gender wise) BUT I will wait to they are ready and not plan the birth of my child around my memorial day weekend bbq plans.

Just my thoughts…..might be a South Florida thing…planned births and all.

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